h.mmss RA dec Dubhe 11.034367 61.450372 Merak 11.015048 56.225673 Polaris 02.314909 89.155079 using linux calc remark: computers use radians! note: in this program "res" refers to the previous result; "?" means display result convert to radians * @hmmss.cal !this loads f(x) as the h.mmss->hour function * let RAD=f(11.034367)*pi/12 * let decD=f(61.450372)*pi/180 * let RAM=f(11.015048)*pi/12 * let decM=f(56.225673)*pi/180 * let RAP=f(02.314909)*pi/12 * let decP=f(89.155079)*pi/180 RAD = 2.896 DECD = 1.078 RAM = 2.888 DECM = 0.9841 RAP = 0.6624 DECP = 1.558 find Dubhe-Merak separation: * ? sin(decM)*sin(decD)+cos(decM)*cos(decD)*cos(RAM-RAD) .9956044985232644 * ? acos(res)*180/pi 5.374041950116754 * let DM=res*pi/180 find Dubhe-Polaris separation: * ? sin(decP)*sin(decD)+cos(decP)*cos(decD)*cos(RAP-RAD) .8770860112483803 * ? acos(res)*180/pi 28.70717600821549 * let DP=res*pi/180 find Merak-Polaris separation: * ? sin(decP)*sin(decM)+cos(decP)*cos(decM)*cos(RAP-RAM) .8283534790013846 * ? acos(res)*180/pi 34.07002986367971 * let MP=res*pi/180 see: 28.70717/5.37404=5.34...so approx 5x find the angle of the skinny triangle: cos(C)=cos(A) cos(B) + sin(A) sin(B) cos(c) cos(C)-cos(A) cos(B) = sin(A) sin(B) cos(c) (cos(C)-cos(A) cos(B))/(sin(A) sin(B))= cos(c) * ? (cos(MP)-cos(DP)*cos(DM))/(sin(DP)*sin(DM)) -.9975680223503325 * ? acos(res)*180/pi 176.0032638800045 i.e., a 4 deg deflection from a straight line ---- Swihard Ch.1, #1 * let RAsun=f(20.06)*pi/12 * let decsun=-20.3*pi/180 * let RAmoon=f(10.14)*pi/12 * let decmoon=15.8*pi/180 * ? sin(decsun)*sin(decmoon)+cos(decsun)*cos(decmoon)*cos(RAsun-RAmoon) -.8611756574128984 * ? acos(res)*180/pi 149.4488430096547 remark: the angle between the Moon & Sun determines the phase of the Moon since this angle >90 deg, this is a gibbous moon