Hardcopy of Selected Parts of the Chemicals Database: One Clause



There are aproximately 160 columns on the printout (and 64 lines/page). Please select what fields you'd like to be printed out, but choose no more than 160 characters!
Product Name: 52 characters
Other Names: 75
Company: 12
Room: 6
Storage Code14
Chemical Class (e.g., FL): 7
HMIS: 14
Source of HMIS data: 22
MSDS On Hand? (T or F): 3
MSDS Date: 19
CAS number: 22
Catalog number: 12
Amount of Chemical: 10
DOT number: 11

MATCH Options

?  Matches any single character
*  Matches zero or more arbitrary characters
[xyz]  Matches x or y or z
[a-z]  Matches anything in the alphabet
[^az]  Matches anything except a or z
{...}  Like *, except matches only the described characters
       e.g., {[0-9]} matches any collection of numbers
\?     Matches a real ?; \[ matches a real [ , etc


[0-4]4[0-4]* finds flamable HMISs
*Methy*Acid  finds any name in which methy precides the final
             word acid, possibly with something before the methy