Molecular Biology

Keywords: metabolism, enzymes, DNA, glycolysis, Krebs, translation, transcription

  1. Enzymes and cellular metabolism
    1. Enzyme structure and function
    2. Control of enzyme activity
    3. Feedback inhibition
    4. Glycolysis
      1. Anerobic
      2. Aerobic
    5. Krebs (citric acid) cycle
    6. electron transport chain, oxidative phosphorylation

  2. DNA and protein synthesis
    1. DNA structure and function
      1. Structure and composition
        1. Watson-Crick model
        2. Double helix
        3. Base-pair specificity
      2. DNA as transmitter of genetic information (the genetic code)
      3. DNA replication
    2. Protein synthesis
      1. Transcription
        1. Mechanism
        2. Regulation
      2. Translation
        1. Codons and anticodons
        2. Roles of mRNA, tRNA, rRNA
        3. Structure and function of ribosomes