*set show=1 *echo Planet Puzzle

Planet Puzzle

!seed determines which list of "random" numbers (ran) is used !we set it based on process specific information: !the process identification number (pid) and the number of !seconds since midnight (secnds) *let seed=pid*secnds !r ranges from .4 to 5.4 *let r=nint(50*ran)/10+.4 *if (r.eq.1) then *let r=1.1 *endif !rdigits(2) makes a two digit random number like: .XX0000 *let m=rdigits(2)*10+1.1 *hide m f4.1 *hide r f3.1
Your warp drive fails while rushing to the starbase near 61 Cygni A. Seeking dilithium, you use remaining impulse power to approach an uncharted planet which is mostly covered with oceans. With a mass of *write m f4.1 times Earth's mass, the planet is more massive than Earth. *if (r.lt.1) then The planet is a bit smaller than Earth: its radius is *write r f4.2 times the Earth's radius. *elseif (r.gt.1) then The planet is larger than Earth: its radius is *write r f5.1 times the Earth's radius. *endif

Klingons are able to work under adverse conditions including gravitational pulls of up to 7.3 times that of Earth (Earth surface has g=9.8 m/s2 ).

Can you beam the Klingons down to the surface to search for dilithium or should you attempt to find dilithium from orbit and then beam it aboard?

What surface gravitational pull should your away team should expect?

number box:

. × 10 times that on the surface of Earth.

select: including calculated distracters

radio buttons: including calculated distracters

' *write m/r^2 web.1
' *write m/r web.1
' *write m web.1
' *write m*r web.1
' *write r web.1

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